Clocktower is a game of lying, of deceiving your friends and fellow players. Sometimes you are good and solve the game. Other times you are evil and pull the wool over the eyes of everyone. Those moments are great!
But what about the times you don’t? A play backfires. The meta gets too strong to keep you alive as the demon? When a simple mistake in how a character or interaction works costs you. You draw a character you don’t like or have been too often lately? Someone else does something that gets you down, makes you low or, worst of all, you cause that feeling in another person?
How about, as a Story Teller, you make a mistake. Forget a rule, put two jinxed characters in play together, forget that someone is drunk or poisoned and let their ability function. Or have to make a ruling about interactions that rubs players the wrong way?
Well, good news! A game lasts an hour or two (maybe 3 with a crazy custom or insane BMR) and then… you can put it behind you. Have a laugh, learn from it then move on. Draw the next token, have the next chat, setup the next Grimoire. Or stop. Disconnect. Join a different group. Come back another day. It is just a game after all. Everyone has these moments.
It is good to remember that at the end of it… there is always another play, another scheme, another game.
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