Clocktower pits people against each other, two competing teams. But, what if everyone worked together to win, but not with an Atheist?
Enter Trouble Gooning, where each Trouble Brewing character also has the Goon ability of changing alignments, with a slight alteration where only townsfolk are drunk when picking a goon. This game, as one might expect, is full chaos and usually ends with half the town evil fighting the good half, with much laughter along the way. You can see it in action here.
This changed however, when I ran a text game of it. It is my theory that the extra time allotted to the players, a full 24 hours for day phase for asynchronous games played in this manner, allows for more co-ordination and as such, calmer heads can also prevail. This resulted in a plan being hatched where, on night 3, the demon was turned good and then, the plan was hatched, publicly in town square, to turn the remaining evil good. This involved the poisoner picking a dead player, the Imp turning the Scarlet Woman good and killing them, the Baron, evil Mayor and Poisoner being picked by the Monk, Fortune Teller and Butler, before the still good Demon is executed to win the game. Town then commiserated with the only evil player to lose the game, the poisoner turned evil on night two before being killed by a Mayor bounce… sorry players, but in my defence the plan wasn’t hatched yet!

This game, while not a social experiment, shows that, with the right community, everyone will work together for the betterment of the whole and really live up to the old adage of ‘nobody left behind’.
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