Xaan – A New Minion


Xaan – On night X, all Townsfolk are poisoned until dusk. [X Outsiders]


Setting the outsider count to an arbitrary number, overriding any other modification on the script. This means that other characters that give outsider modification, especially the evil ones such as Baron, Godfather, Vigormortis and Fang Gu, can hide more.

Zero Jinxes on this one too, which is amazing for script builders.


Stay alive and try and figure out what the value of X is, as once that night has passed your ability is spent so you can be more chaotic, like a Baron.

Story Telling

X is set at setup, so remember what that is as things like Pit-Hag, Huntsman and Fang Gu can change it before the Xaan night, but the night itself doesn’t change. When it is Night X, remember it is only Townsfolk, regardless of alignment, that are poisoned so Outsider, Minion and Demon abilities still work without interruption. Use this poisoning to help out the evil team as much as possible.

Final Thoughts

This is a great minion, as Jams said it provides both outsider manipulation and misinformation all wrapped up into one. It gives more incentive for evil to bluff as an outsider to try and hide which night exactly is the Xaan night, as well as potentially keeping more powerful roles around for longer to get that poisoned information.


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