Tag: resolution
January 2025 – New Goals
Last year I set the goal to play, on average, one game a day. Which I completed in August. This year, I am not setting such a goal, because to make it a challenge I risk, if I slip, will cause stress at the end of the year, and I don’t want to repeat my…
November Tally
40 games this month! Plenty of in person this month including some playtesting for the first time. There was also a 24 hour charity stream hosted by The Grimore that I did 8 hours of which was a blast, helping to raise much needed funds. I also managed to tick off both Boffin and Golem…
Giving you pumpkin to think about
A stellar month for me, with 52 games played, and 12, so many, in person which is fabulous! This included a trip to Melbourne for PAX Australia and watching and helping many new players discover the wonders of this amazing game. My high was playing 8 games in a single day, thanks to a local…
Moving on through September
While I finished the number of games I set myself for the year last month, I thought I would continue with the updates for the number of games played, as well as the new to me characters I have played. I fit in 38 games this month, 8 of which were in person. While the…
Are you July-ous of my Resolution Progress?
Another month, and on current trajectory, it will be the second last one before hitting the target. 41 games this month, with the clear standouts being the ones played at Clocktower Con Australia. In fact, of the 41 this month, 11 we in person. There were also 6 that I was the Story Teller for.…
May I Update You on my Resolution.
Monthly update time again, and a slightly quieter month with only 39 games. Still a good average with a total of 7 games as Story Teller. With a total of now just over 71% complete, I am on track to complete this in just over 2 more months. I am not and will not be…
Clocktower Resolution – 2 Months In
Continuing with my goal for the year, perhaps I set the bar too low. 62 games this month which does include quite a few Teensies but also, happily, more games on stream. Some hilarious and classic moments, including some chaos such as Blood on the Crossover and a blind game. Just over 31% of the…
Clocktower Resolution – Goals and Progress
Not one big on New Years resolutions, I made just a single one this year. More Blood on the Clocktower, in all it’s forms and ways. So the goal is to play, at least, 1 game a day, on average. I rarely only play one game when I do play, which will help keep the…