Author: Beardy
Clocktower Con Aus
Counting down the days. Only 5 months to go to the first (of hopefully many) Clocktower Convention Australia. First funded on Kickstarter, this event is also a celebration of 10 years! of Blood on the Clocktower. I will be in attendance and I am looking forward to this is a major way. Catching up with…
Savant Generator
The Savant is one of the few characters in the game that the Story Teller gets to directly shape information for. This information can often make or break a game, given the true/false nature of it and the inherent puzzle in that. Giving good information that is not too game solving but also not impossible…
Ojo, what has the Lunatic done
How did a lunatic win a game for evil? Let me tell you how. This is a cautionary tale for any Ojo that might be a Lunatic – be careful on who you tell your choices as it just might end up in the wrong hands. I, thankfully, was the actual demon, an Ojo, this…
Clocktower Resolution – Goals and Progress
Not one big on New Years resolutions, I made just a single one this year. More Blood on the Clocktower, in all it’s forms and ways. So the goal is to play, at least, 1 game a day, on average. I rarely only play one game when I do play, which will help keep the…
The ways to play
There are multiple ways to play this game and I have done a bunch of them. The four ways I am aware of are:– Real Life ✅– Online ✅– Live Text ❎– Asynchronous Text ✅ I participate in these in varying capacities and also frequency. Player, Story Teller and Spectator. Real Life The way the…
Recluse is a Good Legion Bluff
I was fortunate enough to play on the Thursday night TPI stream, the game before the Village Idiot release. I went into that game thinking I’d never been evil on stream before and, lo-and-behold, there it was. A big red hand. I was Legion. We were playing Recruitment Agency, and I was thankful that Lunatic…
Player Counts
Blood on the Clocktower works well at almost all advertised player counts. BoardGameGeek lists it as 6-21, including the Story Teller as a player, which they very much are. First, those few player counts that are the ones I try to avoid. That is 6 and 16+. First we have Teensyville, a special game mode…
That’s not how the Amnesiac works
Sometimes, things just happen that are funny. I was the good Goon, bluffing Gossip, in a role swap with the Amnesiac. I was nominated because people thought Tesso, my neighbour, was evil and there was a (made up) Clockmaker 1, so I must also be evil. I was good at that point so, going with…
Village Idiot Release
A new character! A townsfolk. The Village Idiot. Here are my quick initial thoughts an hour or two after release. These are likely to change as I get to actually play with and as this character. While being a townsfolk, it is also amazing for evil as a bluff, if they explicitly get it or…
Where You Can See Me Play pt.1
I get around. Playing here/there/everywhere. But where can you see me play, you might ask. The places are many and varied. The first is on The Pandemonium Institute Twitch channel. A new member there, having been approached to join at the end of 2023, I am enjoying it. I will typically play in the Wednesday…