Category: Clocktower

  • Clocktower Con Aus

    Clocktower Con Aus

    Counting down the days. Only 5 months to go to the first (of hopefully many) Clocktower Convention Australia. First funded on Kickstarter, this event is also a celebration of 10 years! of Blood on the Clocktower. I will be in attendance and I am looking forward to this is a major way. Catching up with…

  • Savant Generator

    The Savant is one of the few characters in the game that the Story Teller gets to directly shape information for. This information can often make or break a game, given the true/false nature of it and the inherent puzzle in that. Giving good information that is not too game solving but also not impossible…

  • Ojo, what has the Lunatic done

    How did a lunatic win a game for evil? Let me tell you how. This is a cautionary tale for any Ojo that might be a Lunatic – be careful on who you tell your choices as it just might end up in the wrong hands. I, thankfully, was the actual demon, an Ojo, this…

  • Clocktower Resolution – Goals and Progress

    Clocktower Resolution – Goals and Progress

    Not one big on New Years resolutions, I made just a single one this year. More Blood on the Clocktower, in all it’s forms and ways. So the goal is to play, at least, 1 game a day, on average. I rarely only play one game when I do play, which will help keep the…

  • The ways to play

    There are multiple ways to play this game and I have done a bunch of them. The four ways I am aware of are:– Real Life ✅– Online ✅– Live Text ❎– Asynchronous Text ✅ I participate in these in varying capacities and also frequency. Player, Story Teller and Spectator. Real Life The way the…

  • Recluse is a Good Legion Bluff

    I was fortunate enough to play on the Thursday night TPI stream, the game before the Village Idiot release. I went into that game thinking I’d never been evil on stream before and, lo-and-behold, there it was. A big red hand. I was Legion. We were playing Recruitment Agency, and I was thankful that Lunatic…

  • Player Counts

    Blood on the Clocktower works well at almost all advertised player counts. BoardGameGeek lists it as 6-21, including the Story Teller as a player, which they very much are. First, those few player counts that are the ones I try to avoid. That is 6 and 16+. First we have Teensyville, a special game mode…

  • That’s not how the Amnesiac works

    Sometimes, things just happen that are funny. I was the good Goon, bluffing Gossip, in a role swap with the Amnesiac. I was nominated because people thought Tesso, my neighbour, was evil and there was a (made up) Clockmaker 1, so I must also be evil. I was good at that point so, going with…

  • Village Idiot Release

    Village Idiot Release

    A new character! A townsfolk. The Village Idiot. Here are my quick initial thoughts an hour or two after release. These are likely to change as I get to actually play with and as this character. While being a townsfolk, it is also amazing for evil as a bluff, if they explicitly get it or…

  • Where You Can See Me Play pt.1

    I get around. Playing here/there/everywhere. But where can you see me play, you might ask. The places are many and varied. The first is on The Pandemonium Institute Twitch channel. A new member there, having been approached to join at the end of 2023, I am enjoying it. I will typically play in the Wednesday…